How do I download an eBook from EBSCO?
Posted on 17 April 2022 09:20 am
To download an eBook:
- Click the Full Download icon for the eBook you would like to download.
- If you are not logged into your My EBSCOhost folder, you are prompted to do so.
- Select a Download duration from the drop-down menu and confirm that you have Adobe® Digital Editions or equivalent reader software installed.
- Click the Full Download button.
- The eBook is added to the checkout area of the folder, accessible from the upper-right corner of the EBSCOhost interface.
- Select to Open or Save the file from the resulting dialog box.
- If you Open the file, your eBook is opened with Adobe® Digital Editions.
- If you Save the file, the eBook is saved to your computer and can be opened with Adobe® Digital Editions at a later time.
- When a downloaded eBook is opened, it is displayed in Adobe® Digital Editions.